Fun and Inspiration

Just being silent

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No thought, no mind, no choice - just being silent, rooted in yourself.

No thought, no mind, no choice - just being silent, rooted in yourself.

- Osho

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Life & Purpose

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Life & Purpose

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ZANO - Autonomous. Intelligent. Swarming. Nano Drone.

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Autonomous, Intelligent, Developable. Meet ZANO the world's most sophisticated nano drone - aerial photo and HD video capture platform.

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iGO Electric FatBike

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The ultimate electric fatbike! Designed and built in Canada.

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Joshua bell pretended to be street violinsit

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Joshua bell pretended to be street violinsit

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10 Must Know Hacks For Christmas

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Be realistic Plan for a Miracle

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Be realistic Plan for a Miracle - Osho

Be realistic Plan for a Miracle - Osho

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Micromax announces Yureka with Cyanogen OS 11 in India

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 Micromax announces Yureka with Cyanogen OS 11 in India

The Zeus of phones has finally arrived! Powered by a 64-Bit Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 615 processor, YUREKA runs a fully customizable Cyanogen OS 11.

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New Windows 10 leak

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New Windows 10 leak

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The Cicret Bracelet: It's like a tablet...but on your skin

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The Cicret Bracelet is a wrist-worn wearable device that projects the screen of its wearer’s smartphone on their forearm, creating a sort of skin-based touchscreen display. The futuristic device, which is currently seeking donations, allows users to interact with their phone’s apps without removing their handset from their pocket. It’s even waterproof, so wearers can interact their smartphone in the tub.

The Cicret Bracelet: It's like a tablet...but on your skin

The Cicret Bracelet: It's like a tablet...but on your skin

The Cicret Bracelet: It's like a tablet...but on your skin

The Cicret Bracelet: It's like a tablet...but on your skin

images via Cicret

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8-year-old YouTube star makes $1.3M per year

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8-year-old YouTube star makes $1.3M per year

Evan is the 7-year-old face of EvanTubeHD, a family-friendly YouTube channel where Evan (and occasionally his sister or mom) reviews toys and video games. What started as a father-son bonding project — Evan and his dad would make Angry Birds stop-motion videos for fun — has snowballed into near-celebrity status for Evan. According to a Newsweek interview with Jared, Evan's father, all of the proceeds from the channel, for which they currently have a dedicated ad-sales team, goes into investment and savings accounts for their children.


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Everyday is a Second Chance

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Everyday is a Second Chance

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Facebook Marriage

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Facebook Marriage

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Add REPLY button to Facebook comments - Developer Way(Totally Legal)

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A True Story - Password

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A True Story - Password

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Memory Cards 1956 vs 2005 vs 2014

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Memory Cards 1956 vs 2005 vs 2014

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Visual SFX

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Visual SFX

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Your old laptop's battery will light homes in developing countries

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An Indian street vendor gets a light bulb going

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Every Time I Shave

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Every Time I Shave

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Wrigley’s Extra White Gum Coffee Cup Ads

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Wrigley’s Extra White Gum Coffee Cup Ads

Wrigley’s Extra White Gum Coffee Cup Ads

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Kung Fu Panda Ad

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Kung Fu Panda Ad

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Star Trek Did it First

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Star Trek Did it First

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Simple Life Hacks

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Simple Life Hacks

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Units of computer memory measurements

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Units of computer memory measurements

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The meaning of life

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The meaning of life

I must share this beautiful message which I wanted everyone to know the meaning of life !!!

A man died...

When he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.

Dialog between God and Dead Man:

God: Alright son, it?s time to go

Man: So soon? I had a lot of plans...

God: I am sorry but, it?s time to go

Man: What do you have in that suitcase?

God: Your belongings

Man: My belongings? You mean my things... Clothes... money...

God: Those things were never yours, they belong to the Earth

Man: Is it my memories?

God: No. They belong to Time

Man: Is it my talent?

God: No. They belong to Circumstance

Man: Is it my friends and family?

God: No son. They belong to the Path you travelled

Man: Is it my wife and children?

God: No. they belong to your Heart

Man: Then it must be my body

God: No No... It belongs to Dust

Man: Then surely it must be my Soul!

God: You are sadly mistaken son. Your Soul belongs to me.

Man with tears in his eyes and full of fear took the suitcase from the God's hand and opened it...


With heartbroken and tears down his cheek he asks God...

Man: I never owned anything?

God: That?s Right. You never owned anything.

Man: Then? What was mine?

God: your MOMENTS.
Every moment you lived was yours.

Life is just a Moment.

Live it...
Love it...
Enjoy it...?

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Unbelievable Fun Facts About the Human Body

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Unbelievable Fun Facts About the Human Body

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