Fun and Inspiration

How To Learn Fast

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How to Learn Fast when you are becoming an entrepreneur from ourupcoming book:

How to Learn Fast when you are becoming an entrepreneur from ourupcoming book

The distance from  San Francisco to London is apporox 5500 miles:

Learning by reading is like walking. If you’ll walk 24 hours a day, and wear levitation boots you came to London in 1833 hours.

Learning throughout school is like biking. If you’ll bike 24 hours a day, you’ll be in London in 366 hours.

Learning from mentor is like driving. If you’ll drive 24 hours a day, you’ll be in London in 85 hours.

Learning by doing is like flying a plane. In 11 hours you’ll be there.

Learning by taking big risks – it’s like flying a rocket that’s what the most successful entrepreneurs do. If  do that, you’ll be in London in 33 min.

Written by 
Startup Evangelist and Infographic Author

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