Fun and Inspiration

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

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Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Albert Einstein

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Everything comes to you in the right moment

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Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient.

Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient.

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Harsh Reality of today's corporates life!

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Harsh Reality of today's corporates life!

Harsh Reality of today's corporates life!

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Do good, feel good. Feel good, do good.

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Do good,  feel good. Feel good, do good. Keep the cycle going. - Karen Salmansohn

Do good,  feel good. Feel good, do good. Keep the cycle going. - Karen Salmansohn

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How To Beat Flappy Bird (Best Method)

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With a little patience and a steady hand, anyone can beat Flappy Bird!

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Mira EV Travels 1000km on Single Charge

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Mira EV has created a world record with completing 1000 km run on a single battery charge non-stop, powered by Sanyo’s lithium-ion battery systems This experiment took place on the world’s longest race course in Japan, in Shimotsuma. Organized by Japan Electric Vehicle Club, this long marathon driving was accomplished by a relay team of 17 auto-racers from a training school in Ibraki, Japan.

Mira EV Travels 1000km on Single Charge

Mira EV Travels 1000km on Single Charge

Restrictions triumphed:
Electric vehicles have long been handicapped for long-distance travel by the limited battery power. But now Sanyo’s lithium-ion battery technology has made it possible for Mira EV to travel 1003.184 km without a recharge. Traveling for 27.5 hours, at 40 km/h average speed, from May 22 to May 23, 2010, the trail run by Mira EV was powered by putting together 8320 cylindrical lithium-ion 18650-type batteries.
Beating own record:
Fame is nothing new to Mira EV. It had already once run for 555.6 km nonstop without recharging last November. This was acclaimed as world record in April. But now in May, beating its own record, almost doubling it, Mira EV has created a feat worthy enough to be recorded in Guinness World Record now, by traveling 1000 km on a single charge.
Sanyo strong on its mission:
Sanyo will continue with its work on lithium-ion battery. With Mira EV’s triumph, the future of electrical cars looks very bright. And Sanyo is still going strong on its mission of making a ‘low-carbon society’ possible and help in making zero-emission cars a reality.

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Genius Guy Turns Plastic Bottles Into Strong Strings With A Simple Device

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This engineer in Russia shows off a neat gadget that lets him convert plastic drink bottles into string usable for lashing and heat-shrinking. So cool!

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Take an EGG

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Take an EGG

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If it is important to you, you will find a way

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Umbrella can't stop the rain

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Umbrella can't stop`the rain, But make us stand in rain . Confidence may not bring success, But gives power to face any challenge in life.

Umbrella can't stop`the rain, But make us stand in rain . Confidence may not bring success, But gives power to face any challenge in life.

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Amazing facts about Apple

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Amazing facts about Apple and its founder Steve Jobs which you might not have heard about  
 Amazing facts about Apple

  • The original Apple 1 computer sold for $666.66.
  • Apple didn’t have two founders. It had three. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne
  • The Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan (the cube) is said to be one of the most photographed landmarks in the world.
  • Before co-founding Apple, Steve Jobs worked for Atari.
  • Steve Jobs traveled to India looking for enlightenment in 1974

  • Steve Jobs bought Pixar from George Lucas for $10 million and sold it to Disney for $7.6 billion.
  • Steve Jobs originally denied he was the father of his first child, Lisa Brennan-Jobs.
  • In 2001, Apple’s stock price was less than $8 per share. In April 2010 the price reached $272
  • Apple wasn’t started in a garage, it was started in a bedroom at 11161 Crist Drive in Los Altos.
  • The longest-lived Apple computer of all time was the Apple IIe, which was on sale for nearly 11 years.
  • Apple didn’t sell a Windows-compatible iPod until nine months after the iPod was introduced.
Here is another fun fact – Apple was established on April Fools Day.

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This Fast Food Experiment Of "Ads vs Reality" Will Totally Surprise You

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Why does fast food look so much better in ads than in reality? We returned sad-looking food at McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and Jack in the Box to see if they actually could make their food look like it does in their own pictures!

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You don't have to be young

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You don't have to be young to learn about technology. You have to feel young.

You don't have to be young to learn about technology. You have to feel young.

-Vint Cerf 

IEEE Fellow and Internet Pioneer

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Kim Ung-yong understood algebra at age 3

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Kim Ung-yong understood algebra at age 3

Kim Ung-yong understood algebra at age 3

Kim Ung-yong understood algebra at age 3, by the time he was 2 could speak 4 languages fluently, started attending university at age 4 and graduated at age 8, and has the highest I.Q. (210) in the world.

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Youtube servers

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Youtube servers

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Ego is just like a dust in the eyes

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Ego is just like dust in the eyes, without clearing the dust you can't see anything clearly, so clear the ego and see the world.

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How the iPhone Works

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How the iPhone Works

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Starbucks To Offer Free College Tuition

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Starbucks To Offer Free College Tuition To 135,000 Employees

Starbucks To Offer Free College Tuition To 135,000 Employees

Starbucks just announced they will offer free college tuition to all 135,000 employees starting this fall. 

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If nothing goes right

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If nothing goes right, go left.




If nothing goes right, go left.

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Meet Japanese Model, Masako Mizutani.

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Meet Japanese Model, Masako Mizutani. She has a 20 year old daughter

Meet Japanese Model, Masako Mizutani. She has a 20 year old daughter....

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Yesterday I was clever

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“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi

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Every single day you make a choice.

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Every single day you make a choice.

Every single day you make a choice.

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Bloom Box: The Alternative Energy that Terrifies Obama

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  1. The Bloom Energy Server is a solid oxide fuel cell made by Bloom Energy, of Sunnyvale, California, that can use a wide variety of inputs to generate electricity on the site where it will be used. Wikipedia

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Inspiration quotes



Jamie Beck’s Animated GIF Photography

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Jamie Beck’s Animated GIF Photography

New York City-based fashion photographer Jamie Beck, in collaboration with Kevin Burg, a web designer with a background in video and motion graphics, has created a series of gorgeous animated GIFs she calls “cinemagraphs”. A couple of them feature Canadian supermodel Coco Rocha, and these have gained quite a bit of media exposure recently. According to Rocha, cinemagraphs are “more than a photo, but not quite a video.”

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I am a Programmer and I can Relate

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When I show the boss that I have finally fixed this bug

When the project manager enters the office

When I'm deploying code to production

When I try to fix a bug at 3 in the morning

When my regex returned exactly what I expected

When a friend of mine asks me to fix his website built with Joomla

When I'm told that the module on which I have worked all the week will never be used

When the code that I have not tested on dev works perfectly in production

When the sales people announce they have sold our product to the customer

When I apply a new CSS for the first time

When sysadmin finally gives us the root access

When I launch my script for the first time after several hours of development

When I go off for the weekend while everyone else is still trying to fix bugs

When the app goes into beta and the first bug reports arrive

When the boss is looking for someone to urgently fix a difficult bug

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WoNoBo (India street view)

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WoNoBo (India street view)

Check out AVM Studios, the oldest studio in the country. It was the launch pad for several major stars including Sivaji Ganesan, Vyjayantimala and Kamal Hassan! Share this piece of info with film buffs, now.

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Don't waste your time with explanations

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“Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.”

“Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.”

-  Paulo Coelho

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Awesome idea! glass bottle cutting

Awesome idea! glass bottle cutting


Chinese scientists transmit internet data using LEDs

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The Researchers are from Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The technology uses a one-watt LED embedded within a microchip. The LED blinks millions of times per second and sends a binary signal: blinking on for one and off for zero.

The scientists call the technology LiFi, which they see as an alternative to WiFi, a technology that uses radio frequency to transmit internet data.

The technique was initially developed by professor Harald Haas from the University of Edinburgh in the UK.

LiFi can reach data transmission rates as fast as 150 megabits per second, according to Chi Nan, an information technology professor at Shanghai Fudan University. This is faster than the 802.11g WiFi standard, which has extended throughput up to 54 megabits per second. In addition, Chi claimed the components to make LiFi equipment is cheaper.

But one drawback is LiFi relies on line of sight between transmitter and receiver, meaning it can compliment WiFi networks but not replace them where line of sight transmission is not possible.

LiFi promoters hope to replace WiFi in places where radio communication is limited, or where radio signals could interfere with other equipment, such as airline and hospital gear.

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Amazing Photos Illusion

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Amazing Photos Illusion

Amazing Photos Illusion

Amazing Photos Illusion

Amazing Photos Illusion

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